All Donors

Anonymous Sponsor $501.00
Tizku l'mitzvot! Mark and Ezra, Hashem should bless you both with so much siyata d'shmaya in your learning!
Mike Wahba $202.00
Frieda Grazi $201.00
Moshe Naoulo $185.40
Marc & Naomi Simhon $104.03
Elliott & Odette Franco $101.00
In Memory of my farther Avi M. Franco (abahu ben adela)
Aaron Franco $101.00
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Linda Rose Laham $101.00
Tizku Lemitzvot!!
Lorraine Almaghrabi $100.00
Tizku limitzvot!
Rabbi Shelby $52.00
Joseph Levy $52.00
Henry & Adele Yedid $52.00
Leillui Nishmat Abahu ben Adela
Mollie & Charles Wahba $52.00
In honor of brave people who sense danger and act!
David Naftali $18.00